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Chiropractic makes sure that your joints are in their optimal alignment. For instance: it’s like when your finger is jammed - it hurts, you can’t use it, and it’s hard to bend. All you really want is for it “to pop”. Now apply that same idea to almost any joint in your body. Sometimes things aren’t moving quite how they need to. Sometimes they’re able to fix themselves over the course of a few days or hours, but sometimes we need a hand from someone else. That’s what I’m here for.
Yoga Therapy
Many of us go through our days in pain or discomfort - not because we like it but because we don’t really know what to do about it. Yoga Therapy is an opportunity to build your skillset and become more aware - aware of how you move or compensate for the lack of movement that should be there, aware of what you feel or don’t feel. Why is it important to notice these things? Because you can’t change anything you aren’t aware of. We work together so that I can help you begin to grow your self awareness and to look at your movement habits and patterns.
Yoga Classes
We're excited to offer some small group classes at the clinic. Class sizes are limited to between 6 and 8 students.
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